Memo dalaman – taklimat dan verifikasi SMM bersama guru-guru tingkatan


1. Selepas semakan di peringkat jabatan, adalah didapati masih banyak ralat kepada data pelajar dalam SMM. Hanya guru Tingkatan yang boleh membetulkan data tersebut. Memandangkan ini adalah urusan segera, taklimat dan verifikasi akan diadakan seperti berikut:

2. Tarikh : 23.5.2011 (Isnin)

Masa : a) 11.30 pagi (untuk GT Sesi Petang)

b) 2.30 petang (untuk GT Sesi Pagi)

3. Kehadiran sendiri guru tingkatan adalah wajib.

In the news – kes buli

Enforce mobile phone ban in schools, says Wee

STAR, 10.05.2011: PETALING JAYA: Teachers should conduct random spot checks on students to ensure they do not bring mobile phones to schools, said Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong.

Kata Pengetua:

1. Ini berikutan kes seorang pelajar di sebuah sekolah menengah di Selangor, yang dilaporkan oleh The Star pada 08.05.2011. Seorang pelajar perempuan dibuli oleh beberapa orang pelajar perempuan lain, dalam kelas, dan direkodkan melalui handphone dan dimuat naik Youtube.

2. Sebagai langkah mematuhi pekeliling tersebut, JKDS boleh mengadakan spot check dari masa kesemasa. Spot check itu boleh diadakan untuk beberapa buah kelas terpilih kerana kita tidak akan mampu untuk membuat spot check untuk keseluruhan sekolah. Kerja tersebut hendaklah dicatat dalam buku log JKDS, sebagai bukti bahawa kita telah melaksanakan arahan pekeliling.

3. Dalam kes di atas, pelajar dan ibu bapa pelajar yang membuli telah memohon maaf kepada pelajar dan keluarga pelajar yang dibuli. Laporan polis dan tindakan menggantung sekolah tetap dilakukan, tetapi, langkah memohon maaf itu nampaknya cepat meredakan keadaan. Kes ini juga tidak melibatkan berbagai kaum, maka, tidak timbul soal kaum. Ini pengajaran kepada kita. Jika berlaku kes begini, kita perlu memanggil kedua belah keluarga dengan cepat dan bincang.

4. Kita guru juga harus mendengar dan menyiasat, seterusnya mengambil tindakan perlu jika ada pelajar yang mengadu kena buli. Dalam The Star hari ini, dan saya petik:

She said she had complained to the school staff five times about similar incidents.

“They asked my daughter to take note of the students involved but did not take any action.”

Federal Territory Gerakan Youth chief Lau Hoi Keong, who arranged for the meeting, urged the Education Ministry to investigate if the teachers had been negligent.

5. Jika pelajar telah mengadu kepada kita dan kita guru tidak mengambil apa-apa tindakan, kita pula boleh dituduh cuai dalam menjalankan tugas. Dalam kes di atas, guru boleh mengambil tindakan seperti nasihat, amaran, panggil ibu bapa, gantung persekolahan dan sebagainya. Kalau ada, maka, amat mudah untuk menjawab bila kita dituduh cuai.

Memo dalaman – ucapan terima kasih

Makluman semua guru

Memo dalaman – ucapan terima kasih

1. Bulan Bahasa peringkat sekolah telah diadakan dalam bulan April. Berbagai aktiviti telah diadakan dalam Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Inggeris, Bahasa Cina dan Bahasa Iban.

2. Saya mengucapkan tahniah dan terima kasih kepada GK Bahasa yang telah Berjaya menyelaraskan semua aktiviti tersebut. Terima kasih juga kepada semua guru berkenaan.

3. Saya harap, apa juga aktiviti di peringkat sekolah, ianya harus dijalankan dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Gunakan daya kreatif dan inovatif supaya aktiviti yang dijalankan itu membawa nilai baru kepada pelanggan kita, ia itu, pelajar.

4. Terima kasih.

Selamat menyambut HariWesak

Millions across the globe irrespective of race andnationality celebrate Wesak Day today (May 17) in commemoration of GautamaBuddha, popularly known as the “Awakened, or Enlightened, One”, whoserenunciation is unprecedented in history.

Born as a prince whose family name isGautama, Siddhartha lived in Northern India in the 6th century BC, and had allthe trappings of a royal and luxurious life. He renounced everything in searchof the Truth.


Kepada semua yang meraiHari Wesak, selamat menyambut Hari Wesak.

In the news - Teachers Day goodies

By Nancy Nais

PM announces salary revisions, promotions and cash incentives

KUCHING: The government will raise the salary grade of 1,228 secondaryschool principals from DG48 to DG52 effective next January to prove itscommitment to improve the status of teachers, said Prime Minister Datuk SeriNajib Razak.

He said the government would also upgrade 6,585 senior assistant teachers (GPK)in charge of administration, academic affairs and co-curriculum in secondaryschools from DG44 to DG48.

“The decision was made as the government is aware of the contributions and theheavy burden of teachers.” The celebration, themed “Teachers, Catalysts for theNational Education Transformation”, was launched by Deputy Prime Minister TanSri Muhyiddin Yassin, who is also education minister.

The specialpromotion methods categorise teachers according to four levels: regularteachers, senior teachers, wibawa (credible) teachers and pendeta (luminary)teachers. The four tiers would spur them to work hard to achieve a higher gradebased on performance, Najib said.

“Through the concepts of wibawa and pendeta teachers, the career paths ofteachers will be extended to Grade 54 to reach the 25-year tenure by meetingthe standards of excellence and other conditions set by the Promotion Board ofEducation Services.” The government also agreed to increase the number ofpositions for Special Grade C in the service by 100 per cent to 72 positionsfor wibawa and pendeta teachers.

Najib said teachers who showed excellence as a leading quality set by the boardcould reach Special Grade C and above before their retirement.

The promotions also covered education service officers serving the ministry,state Education Department, district education offices and lecturers of theInstitute of Teachers’ Education. He said the government would give cashincentives to principals, head teachers and teachers who raised the academicperformance of their schools.


SelamatMenyambut Hari Guru 2011.

In the news - Parent demands RM12 mln from teachers over alleged abuses

Posted on May 8, 2011, Sunday BorneoPost. 08.05.2011

KUCHING: A parent of twopupils of a government primary school in Sibu has sent alegal letter to eight teachers there demanding a RM12million compensation for alleged physical and mental abuses.

Sarawak Teachers’Union (STU) president William Ghani Bina yesterday said the parent, a lawyer byprofession, had also lodged a report against theeight teachers but had yet to present medical evidence of the allegedabuses.

“I do not thinkour teachers would do that because we know how todiscipline students. Parents should be appreciative of teachers disciplining students.

“Having a parent issue a summons toeight teachers all from one primary school is something. Ido not think the claim is true because there is no medical report,” he told thepress after officiating at the STU Kuching Branch annual generalmeeting (AGM).

Ghani pointed out that teachers meantwell when they disciplined students but if such a gesture wasmisconstrued, they might not make the effort in future.

“When students are naughty in class,it might mean that they lack discipline or parents could not discipline them.We, asteachers, do not only teach but also discipline students.

“However, if parents donot want teachers to discipline students and just teach, wecan do that. When the school bell rings, we go into the classroom andteach; when another bell sets off, we leave the classroom and do nothing more.We can do this if this is what the community wants,” he said.

The legal letter,he said, would be referred to STU legal adviser Baru Bian, who is Ba Kelalanassemblyman and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Sarawak liaison chief.

Theunion’s secretariat received a copy of the letter on Fridayand the incident is said to have taken place last February.

In general, Ghani said parents in the state hadbeen cooperative with teachers.

“Parents of some of my students whobumped into me actually thanked me for disciplining their children. Theyappreciate what the teachers had done for their children.”



Sebagai guru, tidak dapat mengawal tindakan ibubapa walaupun kita tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan sedemikian. Walaubagaimanapun, kita boleh mengawal tindakan kita sendiri. Oleh itu, dalam kitahendak mengawal disiplin pelajar, kita juga perlu berhati-hai supaya tindakankita itu adalah dalam lingkungan had yang dibenarkan oleh arahan / pekeliling.