Blog ini dibina bagi tujuan mengumpul semua memo dalam dan email dari tuan pengetua Smk Serian. Dimulakan dari 18/03/2010.
School counsellors and teachers learn tips on how to reach out to students at a lively workshop.
IF YOU are a school counsellor, getting your students to open up about their troubled pasts or life problems can be anything but an easy task.
They are either too embarrassed or intimidated by the prospects of divulging their woes and aspirations to a school teacher.
Lack of trust and loss of self-confidence are the common reasons that could be holding your students back from communicating openly and effectively during a counselling session.
However, as a counsellor, there are many things that you can do to help put your mentees at ease.
Paying close attention to details often pays off, said Applied Scholastics trainer Punitha Krishnan.
“Get up and look around. Is the colour of your counselling room too bright? Is the colour of your lipstick too distracting?” she asked.
“You should not be ‘interesting’. Instead, you should be ‘interested’ (in helping your students),” she said at a workshop recently.
Organised by IAEC Education, the workshop saw some 50 secondary school teachers learn tips and techniques of effective communication.
The workshop was aimed at helping the school counsellors understand the mindset of Generation Y students.
Punitha’s quick and witty response drew much laughter from the participants.
Being proactive is a key to making a difference, said Punitha.
She encouraged the teachers to take their own initiatives to transform and enhance their counselling experience.
“Don’t wait until the school gives you the funds. You can also decorate the room by putting up some curtains,” she said.
Find ways to make your mentees feel as welcome as possible during the counselling session, she advised.
“For example, it could be as simple as waiting for your mentees at the door,” she said.
School counsellor Mohd Pilus Abdullah of SMK Maxwell, Kuala Lumpur said he saw a gap between the older generation and Generation Y.
“With the increased use of technology like social media websites, there is a need to bring back the ‘human touch’ in communication,” he said.
As he teaches at an all-boys school, he said, it gives him even more reasons to tailor the way he interacts with his students.
“Based on my experience, I find that boys tend to be more reserved and less inclined to seek help. So, as a counsellor, I should look for means to reach out to students in need and create the awareness that it is perfectly fine to get help from others,” he said.
THE falling goalpost that had caused the death of a Year Five pupil last Saturday, was re-erected by people in the area although the school authorities had taken the necessary precautions to take it away.
Selangor education department director Abdullah Mad Yunus said the school authorities had realised that the goalpost was unsafe and had removed it, but it was put up again by people who had access to the school field.
Abdullah was commenting on Muhammad Fakhrul Amin Abdul Rahman, 11, who died after being hit by the falling goalpost while playing football at the field.
The Year Five pupil from SK Kampung Jawa 2, suffered severe bleeding and a cracked skull in the incident.
Abdullah said he had received a report on the matter, and had also visited the school, adding that while the school had done its part by removing the faulty goalpost, people were still able to enter the field and had taken the goalpost and had put it up again.
School heads, he added, were constantly reminded that the safety of students was a priority. He said that they were also told to maintain and upkeep all sports equipment.
Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong said on Monday that school heads and senior assistants (co-curriculum) had been directed to carry out an immediate inspection of all sports equipment including goalposts within the school premises.
He said this was to ensure the equipment and goalposts were fit for use.
“It is indeed a tragic incident and I have asked for a report on the matter from both the school and the state education department,” he said.
Dr Wee reminded school authorities to continually inspect all sports equipment including goalposts.
Education director-general Datuk Abd Ghafar Mahmud said students’ safety should be a priority and cannot be compromised at any time.
He said the ministry had issued circulars on the safety of students in school.
“We hope schools will follow the guidelines issued in the circulars,” he said.
Abd Ghafar also advised schools not to use portable goalposts for any game as these were against regulations.
“The fields should have permanent goalposts,” he said.
She said the task of ensuring the equipment was in good condition and in working order was under the jurisdiction of the senior assistant (co-curriculum) and sports secretary.
Pesan Pengetua:
1. Semua guru perlu peka dengan apa-apa yang boleh mengancam keselamatan pelajar, Contoh – tiang gol. Tiang gol telah mengorbankan beberapa nyawa.
2. Di sekolah kita antara yang boleh mengancam keselamatan pelajar ialah kejutan elektrik. Pelajar selalu merosakkan suis dan sambungan elektrik, khususnya di asrama, makmal, bengkel dan persekitaran sekolah. Sekolah berusaha untuk membaiki segala kerosakan yang membahayakan pelajar. Juga, perlu ada rekod / notis tentang bahaya akibat daripada merosakkan suis dan sambungan elektrik. Apabila sesuatu berlaku, rekod kita menjadi eviden yang sangat penting. Kalau tidak, kita boleh dituduh tidak berbuat apa-apa. Walaupun kita ada berbuat sesuatu, tetapi eviden tiada.
3. Dengan ini saya mengarahkan Guru Tingkatan dan Warden Asrama untuk memastikan keadaan bilik darjah / asrama sentiasa selamat. Catatkan peringatan / arahan kepada pelajar itu dalam diari. Guru yang menggunakan makmal / bengkel harus sentiasa mengingatkan pelajar supaya menjaga sambungan dan saluran elektrik. Ini adalah seperti pramugari / pramugara kapal terbang yang setiap kali mengingatkan penumpang tentang prosedur keselamatan sebelum berlepas. Itu SOP mereka sebelum berangkat, selain daripada pemeriksaan-pemeriksaan lain.