Sunday January 6, 2013
In the news - Dad: Teacher cut my son’s hair without permission
GEORGE TOWN: A businessman has lodged a police report against a teacher for cutting his son's hair without permission.
S. Shanmugam, 39, who lodged the report on Friday, claimed that the teacher cut his son Niruman Kumar's hair short without warning.
He said that although it was not the first time Niruman had had his hair cut in school for being too long, he was previously given notice.
“We were issued warning letters in the past and given seven days to cut his hair.”
Niruman, 15, claimed that he had obtained permission from a disciplinary teacher to keep his hair long for religious reasons.
“However, another teacher picked 11 other students and myself randomly and cut our hair,” Niruman said at Seri Delima assemblyman R.S.N. Rayer's service centre here yesterday.
Rayer said he would write to the state education department tomorrow to look into the matter.
Penang Education Department director Ahmad Tarmizi Kamaruddincould not be reached for comment.
Kata Pengetua
1. Saya sudah lama jadi Pengetua, tetapi tidak sedar yang sekolah perlu memohon kebenaran ibu bapa untuk memotong rambut pelajar!
2. Tetapi, kalau ada larangan agama / adat tentang larangan memotong rambut, maka guru perlu akur kepada sensitiviti agama / adat ini.
3. Kalau tidak ada kaitan dengan unsur agama, isu di atas adalah kecil sahaja. Kalau YB sudah masuk campur dalam isu begini, bilakah mereka ini, yang kita angkat sebagai pemimpin, ada masa untuk perkara besar. Masalah besar negara masih banyak yang perlu ditangani oleh YB-YB kita.
4. Kes sekolah kita: ada pelajar berambut panjang yang disuruh balik pada hari pertama persekolahan, tetapi bapanya membantah. Saya tidak tahu bagaimana kita boleh menjaga disiplin sekolah kalau tindakan guru di persoalkan oleh ibu bapa? Saya amat khuatir, finally, semua kita (ahli masyakat) rugi, kerana guru wouldn’t care less!
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