Perhatian kepada PPPS yang berminat:
1. Maklumat tentang NPQEL akan disiarkan di laman web sepanjang bulan September.
2. PPPS yang berminat digalakkan untuk memohon.
Blog ini dibina bagi tujuan mengumpul semua memo dalam dan email dari tuan pengetua Smk Serian. Dimulakan dari 18/03/2010.
Perhatian kepada PPPS yang berminat:
1. Maklumat tentang NPQEL akan disiarkan di laman web sepanjang bulan September.
2. PPPS yang berminat digalakkan untuk memohon.
Perhatian kepada PPPS yang berminat:
1. Bahagian Tajaan Pendidikan (BT), KPM memberi peluang kepada pemohon yang ingin mengikuti Program HLP dan CBBP TB bagi mengikuti pengajian ke peringkat Kedoktoran dan Sarjana sesi 2012.
2. PPPS yang berminat boleh mengemukakan permohonan tersebut secara online melalui laman web KPM bermula 16.08.2011 hingga 16.09.2011.
3. Sekiranya memerlukan maklumat lanjut, sila rujuk juga dengan surat KPM yang boleh diperolehi di pejabat.
Perhatian semua guru:
1. KPM telah mengeluarkan Surat Pekeliling Lembaga Peperiksaan bil. 3 tahun 2011 – pelaksanaan mata pelajaran Sejarah sebagai mata pelajaran wajib lulus SPM mulai tahun 2013.
2. Oleh itu, mata pelajaran Sejarah dijadikan mata pelajaran wajib lulus sebagai syarat layak untuk mendapat sijil SPM, selain mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu.
3. Mata pelajaran Sejarah akan juga mula diperkenalkan dalam SPMU mulai 2014.
FOR 30 years, Mazlan Ahmad worked as a technician in a factory. When he retired at 55, he had RM155,000 in EPF savings and about RM20,000 in the bank.
In the first year upon retiring, he spent about RM30,000 of that total. At the rate he was going, Mazlan, 57, knew the money would not last long. So he decided to go back to work for his former company last year.
“Luckily I don’t have anything to pay off such as my house or car. Also, my children are all grown up,” says Mazlan, who feels that he can only retire if he has RM1mil in savings.
For the lower income group, RM1mil may seem beyond reach but to others, especially those living in the cities where cost of living is much higher, it may just be the minimum amount one would need to have in the kitty before thinking of retiring.
According to the Global Ageing Report by The Nielsen Company released in February this year, about 56% of Malaysians retire, or express their wish to retire, before turning 60.
However, only 21% believe they are financially ready to retire. Another 44% are unsure while 35% are currently not financially set for retirement, according to the report.
For instance, many have yet to settle their housing loans or they live in rented accommodation. With prices of fuel and food spiralling, it is not an easy ride for retirees who also have to worry about medical expenses.
Given that the average life expectancy of a Malaysian is 74 years, retirees have about 20 years of living without income to “worry” about. This is after taking into account that they have settled their mortgages and car loans and do not have to worry about their children’s education.
Rajen Devadason, a Securities Commission-licensed financial planner withMAAKL Mutual Bhd, estimates that between 80% and 90% of middle-aged urban Malaysians will need between RM500,000 and RM5mil to retire well in the next three decades.
“Most people will never succeed in building a retirement nest egg of that size because they are not pursuing it as a major life goal with dogged determination,” he opines.
Echoing Devadason, Yap Ming Hui, managing director of Whitman Independent Advisors Sdn Bhd, believes that those in urban settings such as Klang Valley would need at least RM1mil to retire.
He says if one spent about RM4,000 a month, a million ringgit could last about 20 years after taking into consideration inflation.
“A million ringgit in 20 years won’t be that much because of inflation,” he adds.
Most Malaysians rely on their EPF savings to pull them through their golden years while pensioners survive on half their last drawn salary.
According to the 2010 EPF report, most Malaysians have an average RM146,000 in savings by the time they retire.
More worryingly, a survey by the EPF showed that 70% of retirees use up all their EPF money within three years of retiring. And 99.9% of the contributors reportedly withdraw their EPF savings in a lump sum once they reach 55.
“Many Malaysians think their EPF savings are sufficient but they definitely need more than that. Quite a lot of people have to work again because they can’t really afford not to,” says Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency (AKPK) CEO Akwal Sultan.
Author Azizi Ali, who wrote the book Retire Rich, says the propensity to spend after retirement might even be more than when one is working.
“Do you spend more during weekdays or weekends? Most would say weekends. When you are retired, every day is like a weekend,” he says, adding that most people don’t even have 50% of what they need for retirement.
“This is scary, yet many people don’t realise this. To be poor in old age is the ultimate prison. If you are young, at least you can work.”
It is for this reason that people have to start financial planning for retirement as early as possible, and Devadason believes those who manage to hit the million ringgit mark when they retire are those who began saving and investing in their 30s or 40s.
“Every person who is willing to sacrifice short-term thrills for long-term value can build up a savings and investment portfolio that eventually exceeds RM1mil,” he says.
Yap points out that most Malaysians tend to under-save or under-invest.
“It won’t matter how much you earn if you can’t save money. One should always live within their means,” he advises, adding that salaried workers should save at least 30% of their gross income.
The second rule, says Yap, is investing so that money will grow higher than the rate of inflation.
“If you put your money in a fixed deposit account, you are going to get about 3%. What if the inflation is 4%?
“But if you put your money into something that grows by 8%, your money will grow 4% (after deducting 4% for inflation),” he elaborates.
There are many investments that grow faster than the rate of inflation; like property, the share market, unit trust funds and commodities such as gold. The golden rule of investing, of course, is not to put all your eggs in one basket, says Yap.
“For example, it would be dangerous to concentrate everything on property or the share market. What if property prices go down or the share market collapses?”
Both Devadason and Yap recommend investing EPF Account One savings in portfolios such as unit trust funds. Furthermore, Yap suggests investing this money in equity or balance funds.
(EPF guarantees at least 2.5% although in 2010, these returns were 5.8%.)
“More often than not, those with long-term investment time horizons exceeding seven years have succeeded in that goal of earning compounded returns above those of EPF,” says Devadason.
Financial advisor Cheong Mei Kay, who gives advice and deals mainly with clients from the ages of 19 to 35, finds that many in this age bracket don’t think about retirement.
“I believe they are aware but they don’t take any action. They tend to think it’s still too early for them to think about retirement,” she says.
Cheong, 24, usually tells her young clients to start allocating a certain portion of their income for retirement.
“Young people usually know how to spend and don’t save as early as they can. I would advise them to do so when they start earning.”
Cheong says while many people accumulate wealth, it is more important to grow it.
Her advice to youngsters is to start with some low risk investment or savings like fixed deposit or a saving account in an insurance company before attempting medium-higher risk investments.
“It’s like building a house. You must build up the base first.”
Kata Pengetua:
1. Many people are looking forward to retiring. Why? Some may not like their job, some just get fed up, some want to spend their time doing something they long of doing, and other because the time is up. But, is retiring not scary? Everyone of us will face that moment of truth? We can become a victim or a victor. After all, we design to our own life! We can do something with the earning we have, we can look after our health, we can control our emotion ...
2. Yang dekat hendak retire atau bercita-cita hendak retire, baca dulu buku Azizi Ali "Retire Rich", Robert Kiyosaki "Before you quit your job" dan "Retire young retire rich". The world is not fair - read Robert' latest book "Unfair advantage".
Perhatian semua staf:
1. KPM menyediakan kemudahan untuk warga KPM untuk menyumbang kepada Tabung KWAMP. Potongan minimum ialah RM1.00 sebulan.
2. Staf yang ingin berbuat demikian bolehlah berjumpa dengan En. Chong (Unit Gaji) untuk berbuat demikian.
Perhatian kepada semua guru Ting. 3:
1. Sila ambil tindakan segera untuk mengisi markah peperiksaan percubaan PMR dalam SAPS.
2. Pengisian ini adalah sangat urgent, dan menjadi keutamaan kepada semua pihak termasuk PPD dan Pengarah.
3. Oleh itu, ianya menjadi keutamaan kita juga.
It's still no excuse to slack off. Regular exercise strengthens muscles, reduces the risk of some diseases and promotes mental well-being. The more exercise, the better.
But not everyone has the time or willpower.
So researchers set out to find the minimum amount of physical activity needed to reap health benefits.
The findings by a study in Taiwan suggest just 15 minutes of moderate exercise a day can lead to a longer life.
This "may convince many individuals that they are able to incorporate physical activity into their busy lives," Dr. Anil Nigam of the University of Montreal said in an email.
Nigam had no role in the research but wrote an editorial accompanying the Taiwan study published online Monday in The Lancet.
Fitness guidelines by the World Health Organization, the U.S. and other countries recommend that adults get at least a half-hour of moderate workout most days of the week.
This can include brisk walking, bike riding and water aerobics.
Realizing that it might be difficult for some to break a sweat, health groups have suggested breaking it down into smaller, more manageable chunks of time such as three 10-minute spurts a day on weekdays.
The latest study, a large one led by researchers at the National Health Research Institutes in Taiwan, sought to determine if exercising less than the recommended half-hour was still helpful.
The researchers noted that east Asians - including China, Japan and Taiwan - are generally less physically active than their Western counterparts and their workouts tend to be less intense.
About 416,000 Taiwanese adults were asked how much exercise they did the previous month.
Based on their answers, they were put into five groups of varying activity levels from inactive to highly active.
Researchers kept track of their progress for eight years on average and calculated projected life expectancy.
The study found those who exercised just 15 minutes a day - or 90 minutes a week - cut their risk of death by 14 percent and extended their life expectancy by three years compared with those who did no exercise.
Both men and women benefited equally from the minimum activity.
Each additional 15 minutes of exercise reduced the risk of death by another 4 percent compared with the inactive group.
Researchers did not report how additional exercise affected life expectancy.
There were some limitations. Answers were self-reported.
The study, though large, was observational, which means the health benefits may not be entirely due to exercise.
But researchers said they took into account other factors that might affect health such as smoking and drinking.
And outside scientists said the findings are in line with other studies.
For the sedentary, the key is this: Some exercise is better than none.
"Get off the couch and start moving," said I-Min Lee of the Harvard School of Public Health.
In a study published in Circulation earlier this month, Lee and colleagues found that people who engaged in 15 minutes a day of moderate physical activity had a 14 percent lower risk of heart disease compared with inactive people.
That research, combining the results of nearly three dozen studies of people from North America and Europe, also found that the benefit increased with more activity and may provide more motivation to the physically fit.
People should strive to do the recommended level of exercise, but should not be discouraged if they can't achieve it right away. Start slow and gradually build up.
"As inactive persons start moving, they may very well find that they become more fit" and reaching their exercise goal becomes easier, Lee said.
Kata Pengetua: Exercise 15 minit sehari lebih baik daripada tidak exercise!
Perhatian semua guru
CRK adalah kemudahan yang telah diberikan kepada guru seperti yang diperuntukkan dalam Pekeliling Perkhidmatan 3 Tahun 2005.
Kelulusan CRK mengambil kira:
"Dalam menimbang pemberian kemudahan Cuti Rehat Khas, pihak yang meluluskan hendaklah memastikan keberkesanan pengurusan pengajaran dan pembelajaran di Sekolah serta di Institusi Pelajaran dan Pengajian Tinggi tidak terjejas".
Oleh itu, walaupun seseorang guru itu layak untuk menggunakan CRK, saya perlu memastikan bahawa urusan sekolah tidak terjejas dengan ketidak hadiran terlalu ramai guru. Saya dipertanggungjawabkan atas apa-apa yang berlaku pada hari-hari tersebut, . Sekiranya, perkara berlaku kerana terlalu ramai guru yang mengambil CRK, maka keputusan saya (kerana melulus CRK) dipersoalkan. Oleh itu, mana-mana guru yang telah memohon untuk mengambil cuti untuk memanjangkan cuti Hari Raya adalah dikehendaki untuk berjumpa dengan saya dan mengemukakan alasan kenapa saya harus meluluskan cuti tersebut.
Kepada semua guru – Selamat Bercuti.
Perhatian semua staf:
1. Jabatan Akauntan Negara menghantar nama pegawai yang potongan gajinya telah melebihi 60% kepada sekolah setiap bulan.
2. Tanggungjawab saya mengingatkan semua staf kepada Peraturan-Peraturan Pegawai Awam (Kelakuan dan Tatatertib) yang mengatakan bahawa seseorang pegawai tidak boleh dengan apa-apa cara menyebabkan dirinya berada dalam keterhutangan kewangan yang serius [perkara 13(1)]. Sila rujuk perkara 13(8) tentang makna keterhutangan kewangan yang serius dan perkara 13(4) tentang tanggungjawab pegawai yang berada dalam keadaan tersebut.
3. Mana-mana staf yang berkenaan, sila ambil langkah yang patut supaya potongan melalui slip gaji tuan tidak melebihi 60.00%.
Perhatian semua staf:
1. Bab D, perkara 24 menyatakan “Ketidakhadiran untuk bertugas oleh seseorang pegawai tanpa cuti atau kebenaran terlebih dahulu mendapat kebenaran atau tanpa sebab yang munasabah boleh menyebabkan pegawai itu dikenakan tindakan tatatertib” dan potongan emolumen, kerana:
i. tidak hadir bertugas
ii. tidak boleh tidak bertanggungjawab
iii. ingkar perintah kerana tidak merakamkan kad perakam waktu. Surat Pekeliling Am Bil. 11 Tahun 1981 – pegawai awam hendaklah mengetik kad perakam waktu semasa datang dan semasa pulang dari pejabat.
iv. begitu juga perbuatan menolong mengetik kad untuk orang lain.
2. Kad adalah sebagai asas dan bukti / dokumen sokongan untuk membayar gaji pegawai.
3. Jika atas alasan tertentu, pegawai mengetik datang tetapi lambat / tidak kesempatan mengetik / mengetik balik tetapi awal – sila buat catatan atas kad tersebut. Tetapi, saya tidak expect pegawai untuk mengetik lambat datang setiap hari, dan sudah tentu memberi penjelasan pun sukar.
Perhatian semua guru:
1. KM telah mengeluarkan Surat Pekeliling Bil. 2 Tahun 2011 tentang kadar tersebut. Pekeliling tersebut berkuat kuasa mulai 22.07.2011.
2. Kadar yang ditetapkan untuk SM ialah:
Kadar makan (Sarawak) = RM25.00 / hari
Kadar penginapan = RM65 / hari (hotel)
Kadar penginapan = tidak melebihi RM20 / hari (bukan hotel)
Pakej makan dan penginapan ATAU salah satu daripadanya perlu dikemukakan ke Bahagian Kewangan untuk kelulusan jika aktiviti diadakan di premis swasta.
Catatan: kita akan memohon melalui PPS bersama dengan surat memohon kebenaran lawatan. Sila rujuk attached file.
3. Bagi program yang dilaksanakan di premis kerajaan dengan hanya menyediakan makanan sahaja tidak perlu memohon kelulusan Bahagian Kewangan.
Perhatian kepada PPP berkenaan:
1. Kerajaan melalui Pekeliling Perkhidmatan Bil. 6 Tahun 2011 telah memutuskan bahawa pegawai yang dilantik ke perkhidmatan awam dikehendaki menjalani dan lulus tapisan keselamatan sama ada sebelum disahkan dalam perkhidmatan atau selepas disahkan dalam perkhidmatan.
2. Pengesahan pelantikan dan pengesahan dalam perkhidmatan boleh dibuat apabila pegawai telah memenuhi syarat skim perkhidmatan serta syarat lain yang telah ditetapkan oleh kerajaan dari masa ke semasa.
3. Walau bagaimanapun, pegawai masih lagi perlu lulus tapisan keselamatan sama ada sebelum atau selepas disahkan dalam perkhidmatan. Pegawai yang gagal tapisan keselamatan boleh ditamatkan perkhidmatan mengikut peraturan yang berkuat kuasa.
4. GST yang dilantik oleh KPM hendaklah mengemukakan permohonan tapisan keselamatan dalam tempoh 30 hari dari tarikh lapor diri. Contoh: guru baru.
5. PPPS / PPPLD hendaklah mengemukakan permohonan tapisan keselamatan dalam tempoh 30 hari dari tarikh lapor diri. Contoh: PPPLD yang ke PPPS.
6. Pegawai boleh mengemukakan permohonan tapisan keselamatan secara online melalui aplikasi e-permohonan di
7. Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab pegawai sendiri untuk membuat permohonan tersebut.
8. GSTT dan Guru Ganti tidak perlu membuat permohonan tersebut.
Perhatian kepada semua guru:
1. Tarikh akhir untuk pengisian SAPS peringkat PPD Serain telah dilanjutkan sehingga 26.08.2011.
2. Jenis ujian / peperiksaan yang wajib diisi sebelum tarikh tersebut ialah:
i. Ujian Pertengahan Tahun
ii. Ujian Percubaan PMR
3. Ujian-ujian yang lain boleh dimasukkan sebagai rekod dan untuk melengkapkan maklumat di NKRA.
Perhatian kepada semua guru:
1. Keputusan Kursus Induksi SSM (KISSM) bagi Kohort 1,2 dan 3 tahun 2011 boleh diperolehi atas talian di laman web mulai 02.08.2011.
2. Sekiranya ada sebarang pertanyaan / kemuskilan, sila berhubung dengan Unit Latihan dan Kemajuan Staf, SK2P di JPNS:
En. Kuswady bin Chil – 276235
En. Kayat bin Hj Samawi - 276337
Perhatian kepada semua PPPBS yang berminat:
1. Permohonan ke program adalah atas talian di Tarikh tutup permohonan ialah 10.08.11.
2. Modul permohonan atas talian bagi PPG Ambilan Khas dari 06.06.11 - 31.06.11 ke 27.07.11 - 10.08.11.
3. Modul sokongan serta pengesahan akan diadakan pada 13.08.11 - 18.08.11.
4. Pendaftaran pelajar PPG Ambilan Khas yang berjaya akan diadakan pada 24.09.11 dan 25.09.11.
Perhatian kepada PPS yang berminat:
1. Sila rujuk di untuk mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut.
PETALING JAYA: The school exams online data analysis system is not working out well as teachers complained that it was not user-friendly and slow.
The system known as SAPS or System of Analysis for School Examination has caused frustration among teachers.
Under the Education National Key Result Area (NKRA) initiative, teachers are required to submit the exam data online.
Many teachers described the portal as “extremely slow” and not user-friendly.
“The system often hangs due to heavy traffic. We are advised to use it late at night or early in the morning when the portal is less busy.
“Why must the MOE punish the teachers? We need time to prepare our lessons at home,” one teacher said.
The system has been developed to collect, store and analyse examination marks online for the Education Ministry, state education departments, education district offices and schools to access the data for analysis.
The National Union of Teaching Union (NUTP) secretary-general Lok Yim Pheng said she had received many complaints from teachers in Selangor and Federal Territory.
“It's not fair to the teachers because their normal routine has been affected.
“MoE should have made sure it was ready for use. NKRA is supposed to solve problems and not create more problems for teachers,” she said.
Kata Pengetua: Sebagai guru kita tidak dibenarkan mengulas perkara seperti ini di media. Walau bagaimanapun, pihak persatuan dan kesatuan boleh membantu kita menyuarakannya.
Perhatian semua guru:
Taklimat berkaitan SAPS telah diadakan di Pusat Akses semalam, melibatkan semua guru.
Ini adalah arahan KPM yang perlu kita laksanakan. Walaupun kita menghadapi masalah dari segi capaian, kita perlu berusaha untuk melaksanakan arahan tersebut.
Guru Tingkatan memasukkan maklumat pelajar sebelum 07.08.2011. Sekiranya Guru Tingkatan sudah dapat mengisinya awal, sila e-mail kepada semua guru memaklumkan bahawa kerja pengisian itu telah selesai. Saya mendapati bahawa kelas berikut telah siap mengisi data tersebut semalam: 5K6, 4K8, 4K6 dan 4MPV.
Guru mata pelajaran mengisi markah-markah sebelum 11.08.2011.
Kerja semakan dibuat oleh Pn Nasibah / Cikgu Chong Ngee Moi pada 12.08.2011 sebelum dihantar kepada PPD Serian. Tarikh akhir yang diberikan oleh PPD Serian ialah 12.08.2011.
Sila pastikan kerja ini diutamakan. Jika ada masalah, sila hubungi Pn. Nasibah / Cikgu Chong Ngee Moi, atau bertanya dengan mana-mana guru lain yang telah mencuba memasukkan data tersebut.