In the news - Union wants salary scale of all district Education officers upgraded


KUCHING: Sarawak Teachers’ Union (STU) is pressing for the salary scale of all district education officers (PPD) to be upgraded from the current 48 to 52.

Its deputy president Jisin Nyud said the STU had proposed this scale adjustment to the teacher’s congress meeting which was held in Kedah last year.

“All PPD and principals serving under the scale 48 should be upgraded to 52.

“This was our proposal to the congress last year and we will continue to fight for this upgrading this year,” he said at the STU Chinese New Year gathering here yesterday.

It is learnt that some of the PPDs, especially those in bigger town areas were serving under scale 52 while their fellow colleagues in the outskirts were still serving under scale 48.

He said the Education Ministry had also given its green light to the proposal by the STU for all theafternoon supervisors to be upgraded to scale 48 from the current 44.

He added that the STU had also brought to the attention of the ministry regarding the teacher’s burden in having to do clerical work.

“This is due to the implementation of school-based assessment where teachers had to key in all the details.

“This had added the burden of the teachers who also have to teach at the same time.

“Some of these teachers even have to sacrifice their family time to do the clerical work at home,” he added.


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